Sunday, August 28, 2011

They gave me a Top 5!

So as I sit here watching Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene do her thing I decided to check on the blog. After clicking around I found out that my blog actually has “stats”. This is where I can find out which one of the posts hase been read the most. It’s like a TOP 5 LIST. Pretty neat so I thought I’d share it with you (plus it’s an easy way to get out of updating! LOL)

The most read post on my blog, according to my stats page, is the 3 part series “Ahhh the great outdoors... as seen on Discovery”, my hunting camp adventure. If you would like to read it make sure you start at Part 1 then there is Part 2 and of course the conclusion, Part 3.

Coming in second is the Dunkin Doorman, an adventure I had one day in Boston.

The 3rd most read post on my blog is my stab at Internet Dating. Which, after re-reading just moments ago, I ran into the other room and gave Michelle a great big hug and told her how much I am TRULY thankful I met her? It’s a scary world out there Charlie Brown.

My dislike of all things Hands Free lands in the 4th spot.

And completing the list of the top 5 most read posts on my blog would be my observation of jogging.

Well it looks as if the worst of the "storm" is over and the only devastation here at my house is that it seems to have sucked the motivation right out of me... which really I don't find all that devastating. Seems like to perfect day to snuggle up on the couch with Michelle and watch some cheesy movies.

Stay safe everyone!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jobs... No not Steve, MINE!

As I stood there this morning watching the Keurig do its thing I couldn’t help but feel the anticipation of a fresh brewed cup of “Breakfast Blend” crossing my lips and filling my body full of the caffeinated motivation I so needed to get the day started. Then it happened, the Keurig malfunctioned and I only got ½ cup of the above mentioned, much needed motivation educing caffeine. Damn it, why can’t things work the way they are supposed to work?

As those thoughts ran through my head I couldn’t help but chuckle, “I bet I have one, maybe six, ex-bosses that at one time or another said the exact same thing about me”. We all like to think we are the best employee a company has ever had and I am sure more than one of us has looked at a fellow co-worker and thought “I do the job so much better than them”. All of this may or may not be true, but that doesn’t really matter to us. It’s what WE believe to be true that counts, right? Sure, until evaluation time comes around. Then we are told what we lack and what we need to “work” on to better ourselves, some companies call this “opportunity”. It’s them saying “You suck at time management but you have the opportunity to make it better”. Sure I do, but I also have the opportunity to keep screwing off and getting paid … now which opportunity sounds more enticing? Am I wrong? How many of you are reading this right now at your desk? See, screwing off is so much easier!

My first job right out of High school was making picture frames in a plastic factory. OK, I didn’t actually “make” them; I just sat there and counted them as they came off the machine that actually made them. Not the best job for a hyper-active kid with undiagnosed A.D.D. and an attention span of about 3.5 seconds. I was getting paid to pay attention to the machine yet I spent most of my time not paying attention to the machine. I would wander off and talk to co-workers, shop at the wall of vending machines or try to learn Vietnamese from the guys who were responsible for putting the finished product into shipping boxes. I’d like to take this time and say if you ever had a picture fall off your wall or a frame completely fall apart on you … sorry, good chance it came off of MY production line. As the Vietnamese packagers would say; không phải vấn đề của tôi (not my problem).

I should also mention that this job was a 3rd shift position, so there was always a good portion of my shift spent sleeping at my picture frame producing machine. One night I was fast asleep and the picture frame making machine decided not to work the way it was suppose to work. This is a bad thing when both the machine and I decide not to work the way we were supposed to be working at the same time. As I was dreaming of Debbie Gibson (hey, it was the 80’s … leave me alone) the picture frame making machine was spewing plastic carnage all over the floor. I was rudely awakened by my boss, who we called “Z”, screaming at me and trying to get to the emergency shut-off button (which was completely sheltered by pieces of plastic that resembled anything BUT a picture frame). That was my last night as a plastic-picture-frame counter. I actually asked “Z” why he was firing me and he said “Because you were sleeping” and I said “I wasn’t sleeping, I was praying!” … he didn’t buy it!

Sleeping on the job seemed to become a trend for me, which I think is understandable on any 3rd shift job but hard to defend when you are working 1st shift. Although I did learn something from that night at the picture frame factory … I don’t ever want to be woken up by someone yelling at me ever again. Now that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to sleep, it just meant I had to find a way to get the message to whatever boss I had that yelling was not the answer, no not the answer at all!

During my days as an E.M.T. I slept A LOT on my shifts. Look, you give me a bed in the back of my ambulance … and I’m the asshole for using it? I just considered it "using the tools that were provided for me to do my job", and the only proper way to use a bed (with your clothes on) is sleeping! But I was smart, even pro-active one might say. I actually would pin a sign to my chest that read “Attention Supervisor: ONLY wake me if you are sending me home for sleeping …If you are going to write me up for sleeping please let me sleep and just leave the form. I will sign it when I wake up. Thank you”.

Believe it or not I was an E.M.T. for just over 5 years and anyone of my former partners can tell you at least one story of me sleeping through a call, falling asleep in the hospital waiting room or responding to a “call” that was actually only a dream I had. It was becoming clear to me that I needed to find a job that didn’t afford me the opportunity to sleep, a job that had me always moving and interacting with people, something that would constantly stimulate my mind. So I became a radio Disc Jockey! My first on-air job was at an oldies station. I left the medical field and became a full-time D.J. playing the hits of the 50’s and 60’s. Yup, I went from playing with dead people as an EMT to PLAYING dead people as a DJ. And I also found that I seemed to like jobs that had initials, which was convenient because I suck at spelling.

Something I also came to realize is any job that has “initials” usually doesn’t have a great pay scale, unless of course the initials are PHD or CPA, but those jobs required way too much attention to detail for me to even consider. If you actually took the three hours it would take you to read my complete resume you would see that I have had a wide array of jobs. Some may think that this means I can’t keep a job, I disagree. I think it shows that I am versatile and able to easily adapt to any situation. Hey, if management can spin my short comings as “opportunities” than I think I should be able to spin shit too! Don’t get me wrong, I love to work and I am a hard worker … it’s just sometimes I don’t work the way I was meant to work. So, much like one, or maybe 6, of my past bosses have done with me … I’ll give the Keurig another “opportunity” to get it right!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

LOSING... a twisted look

When you LOSE something, for the most part, it is never a good thing. Ever notice how you can never “lose” something in a positive way? You can’t “lose” a cold and nobody ever says “Hey, congratulations on “losing” cancer. You can “beat” something and then lose it, but for the most part you can’t just LOSE something and have it be a good thing. The first time you lose something is usually the hardest. I remember the first time I lost a job (OK, I didn’t really lose it… I knew where it was it was just when I went there someone else was doing it!). The first time is always the hardest but you learn how to cope. For instance I have only been fired from one job in my entire life. All the rest I left on a mutual agreement, they said get out and I said OK, so it was a mutual agreement! Ahhh, the cleverness of coping!

There can be good things that come from loss though. If someone loses something and you find it for them then that is good. As I child I learned this early on. One day my mother had lost her car keys and was going crazy looking for them. I happened to find them for her and she was so happy she bought me an ice cream. I saw the benefit in finding stuff for her right away... so I started hiding her shit around the house and then “finding” it! Eventually the rewards petered off and I would then just hide shit for the sole enjoyment of driving her up a tree. It truly is an amazing thing my mother never put me up for adoption!

There can also be good things that come from you losing things. For instance I lost my first wife (OK, I didn’t really lose her… I know where she is it’s just when I go there someone else is doing her). Now that I think about it my marriage is the total opposite of my entire theory for this post. Finding my first wife was a bad thing for me but losing her was a good thing. So there are some exceptions to the rule of losing!

One thing people are always happy to announce they lost is weight, no matter how minimal the weight lose, people will be more than happy to tell you they lost it. I have a problem when someone is all excited about losing 2 pounds, because to me that’s the equivalent of taking a dump. Try it, next time you feel a really good one coming on, weigh yourself before and after. I’m not a doctor but I bet you will lose a pound or two! But I digress…

Have you ever noticed when someone loses something and then finds it they always say “it was in the last placed I looked”? Well, no shit! You FOUND it why would you keep looking for it? Now if you find something in the FIRST place that you looked then I have to ask, was it really lost? People are too quick to announce they lost something. How many times have you heard someone announce “I lost my keys” and in the same breath say “Oh, here they are”. If they had just waited another second I wouldn’t have had to roll my eyes at thought of helping them find their keys.

Another thing that bothers me that people say they lost is a loved one. You don’t LOSE a loved one when they die… depending on your beliefs you should know exactly where they are! Some believe our souls go to heaven, some believe our soul’s just roam the earth and some even believe we get 90 virgins. Whatever your beliefs are you should know where your loved one has gone, therefore they are truly not lost.

We all have something we lost that still lingers in our minds to this day. For instance my grandfather gave me a ring with a “B” on it when I was about 7 years old. I left it on a tray in McDonald’s and accidentally threw it away. Of course I didn’t realize it until much later in the day, but I still remember losing that ring. I even remember the McDonald’s I lost it at … it’s the one on 114 in Peabody.

There are some things you can lose and never find again… a parking space close to the mall entrance at Christmas time, the “big one” while fishing, a golf ball erratically hit into the woods, or my “B” ring given to me by my grandfather. Another thing you can lose but never get back is time. For example, I lost an entire morning writing this post and you lost about 15 minutes reading it!